Interview with Raincoast Conservation Foundation’s Misty Macduffee.

A biologist dives deep into Canada’s salmon-bearing watersheds. Misty MacDuffee is a biologist and program director with the Wild Salmon Program of British Columbia, Canada’s Raincoast Conservation Foundation. She focuses on fisheries ecology in salmon ecosystems; for the past 15 years she has led diverse studies examining the salmon of the BC coast, including field, lab, technical, and conservation evaluation. With the knowledge gained from her initiatives, she hopes to support ecosystem consideration in fisheries management. Photo by Alex Harris.


Media Fieldwork; The Breakdown

Nicole expands on the realities of successfully completing media fieldwork (photography, videography) within the Peruvian Amazon rainforest with the Crees Foundation. Humidity, rain, no wifi, oh my!


Exploring the “no handbook” realities of becoming a conservation filmmaker; an interview with Christine Lin, National Geographic Explorer

Christine Lin is a filmmaker and environmentalist with a focus on Indigenous storytelling, bird habitats, and water conservation. As a Senior Producer at the National Audubon Society, she currently leads video and various media projects surrounding the conservation of birds and the ecosystems they rely on.

She is also a 2021 National Geographic Explorer, having recently wrapped filming her latest documentary this past summer. Nicole had the pleasure of interviewing her for Conservation Careers. Photo by Wyn Wiley.


Meet Nicole Van Zutphen - Conservation Storyteller

Interview with Shoutout Arizona Magazine discussing conservation media work and the potential for visual mediums when it comes to climate action.