
From suburbia near Toronto, most at home in nature.

Nicole studied Creative Industries with a speciality in film at Toronto Metropolitan (formerly Ryerson) University in Toronto. Most recently, Nicole was a media team member for an NGO in the Peruvian Amazon, concentrating on the biodiversity of the Manu Biosphere Reserve and sustainable development of its communities. She coordinated fieldwork on site, communicating the organization's efforts through photo, video, and written work.

Nicole has always been drawn to the natural world. After spending time with scientists, conservationists, and biologists, she noticed a glaring gap: communication. Stories hold the power to change people’s minds, and change their behaviours. For some, it’s numbers and statistics, but for many, it’s stories that dare us to picture a new world.

Now back in Toronto, Nicole is the Multimedia Coordinator for the Toronto Wildlife Centre - Canada’s largest wildlife centre and a leader in the field of wildlife rehabilitation.